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Power cables of nominal voltage up to 3kv
- Power cables for single installation
- VVG, AVVG, VVGE, AVVGE, VBShV, AVBShV, according to specification 16-705.4992010
- VVG-P, AVVG-P, according to specification 16-705.499-2010
- VVG, AVVG, VVGz, AVVGz, VBbShV, AVBbShV, VVG-P, AVVG-P, according to GOST 16442-80
- VVGg-KhL, AVVGg-KhL, VVGEg-KhL, AVVGEg-KhL, VBShvg-KhL, AVBShvg-KhL, according to specification 16.K121-017-2011
- VBaShv-KhL, AVBaShv-KhL, VKaShv-KhL, VKShv-KhL, AVKShv-KhL, AVKaShv-KhL, according to specification 16.K121-017-2011
- PvVG, APvVG, PvVGE, APvVGE, PvBShv, APvBShv, PvVG-P, APvVG-P, PvBShP, APvBShP, according to specification 16-705.499-2010
- PvVG-KhL, APvVG-KhL, PvVGE-KhL, APvVGE -KhL, PvVG-P-KhL, APvVG-P-KhL, PVBShv-KhL, APVBShv-KhL, PVBaShv-KhL, APVBaShv-KhL, PvKShv-KhL, APvKShv-KhL, PvKaShv-KhL, APvKaShv-KhL, according to specification 16.K121-017-2011
- ПвВГ-ХЛ (PvVG-KhL)
- ПвВГ-П-ХЛ (PvVG-P-KhL)
- ПвБШв-ХЛ (PvBShv-KhL)
- АПвБШв-ХЛ (APvBShv-KhL)
- ПвБаШв-ХЛ (PvBaShv-KhL)
- АПвБаШв-ХЛ (APvBaShv-KhL)
- ПвКШв-ХЛ (PvKShv-KhL)
- АПвКШв-ХЛ (APvKShv-KhL)
- ПвКаШв-ХЛ (PvKaShv-KhL)
- АПвКаШв-ХЛ (APvKaShv-KhL)
- NYM-J, NYM-O according to specifications 3521-002-53972660-2007
- NY(F)2Y-J
- Power cables flame retardant at group installation (modification "flame retardant")
- Power cables with plastic insulation flame retardant at group installation in cold-resistant modification
- VVGng(A)-KhL, AVVGng(A)-KhL, VVGEng(A)-KhL, AVVGEng(A)-KhL, VBShvng(A)–KhL, АVBShvng(A), VVG-Png(A)-KhL, AVVG-Png(A)-KhL, according to specifications 16.K121-017-2011
- VBAShvng (A)-KhL, AVBAShvng(A)-KhL, VKShvng(A)-KhL, AVKShvng(A)-KhL, VKaShvng(A)-KhL, AVKaShvng(A)-KhL, according to specifications 16.K121-017-2011
- PvVGng(A)-KhL, APvVGng(A)-KhL, PvVG-Png(A)-KhL, APvVG-Png(A)-KhL, PvVGEng(A)-KhL, APvVGEng(A)-KhL, PvBShvng(A)-KhL, APvBShvng(A)-KhL, PvBaShvng(A)-KhL, APvBaShvng(A)-KhL, PvKShvng(A)-KhL, APvKShvng(A)-KhL, PvKaShvng(A)-KhL, APvKaShvng(A)-KhL
- ПвВГнг(А)-ХЛ (PvVGng(A)-KhL)
- АПвВГнг(А)-ХЛ (APvVGng(A)-KhL)
- ПвВГ-Пнг(А)-ХЛ (PvVG-Png(A)-KhL)
- АПвВГ-Пнг(А)-ХЛ (APvVG-Png(A)-KhL)
- ПвВГЭнг(А)-ХЛ (PvVGEng(A)-KhL)
- АПвВГЭнг(А)-ХЛ (APvVGEng(A)-KhL)
- ПвБШвнг(А)-ХЛ (PvBShvng(A)-KhL)
- АПвБШвнг(А)-ХЛ (APvBShvng(A)-KhL)
- ПвБаШвнг(А)-ХЛ (PvBaShvng(A)-KhL)
- АПвБаШвнг(А)-ХЛ (APvBaShvng(A)-KhL)
- ПвКШвнг(А)-ХЛ (PvKShvng(A)-KhL)
- АПвКШвнг(А)-ХЛ (APvKShvng(A)-KhL)
- ПвКаШвнг(А)-ХЛ (PvKaShvng(A)-KhL)
- АПвКаШвнг(А)-ХЛ (APvKaShvng(A)-KhL)
- VGng (A)-KhL, AVVGng (A)-KhL, VVGEng (A)-KhL, AVVGEng (A)-KhL, VBShVng (A)–KhL, AVBShVng (A)–KhL, VBaShVng (A)–KhL, AVBaShVng (A)–KhL, VeBShvng (A)–KhL, AVeBShvng (A)–KhL, VeBShvng (A)–KhL, АVeBShvng (A)–KhL, according to specifications 16.K121-027-20133
- ВВГнг(А)-ХЛ (VVGng(A)-KhL)
- АВВГнг(А)-ХЛ (AVVGng(A)-KhL)
- ВВГЭнг(А)-ХЛ (VVGEng(A)-KhL)
- АВВГЭнг(А)-ХЛ (AVVGEng(A)-KhL)
- ВБШвнг(А)-ХЛ (VBShVng(A)–KhL)
- АВБШвнг(А)-ХЛ (AVBShVng(A)–KhL)
- ВБаШвнг(А)-ХЛ (VBaShVng(A)–KhL)
- АВБаШвнг(А)-ХЛ (AVBaShVng(A)–KhL)
- ВЭБШвнг(А)-ХЛ (VEBShvng(A)–KhL)
- АВЭБШвнг(А)-ХЛ (AVEBShvng(A)–KhL)
- ВЭБаШвнг(А)-ХЛ (VEBaShvng(A)–KhL)
- АВЭБаШвнг(А)-ХЛ (АVEBaShvng(A)–KhL)
- VVGgng(A)-KhL, AVVGgng(A)-KhL, VVGEgng(A)-KhL, AVVGEgng(A)-KhL, VBShVgng(A)–KhL, AVBShVgng(A)–KhL, VBaShVgng(A)–KhL, AVBaShVgng(A)–KhL, VeBShvgng(A)–KhL, AVeBShvgng(A)–KhL, VeBShvgng(A)–KhL, АVeBShvgng(A)–KhL
- ВВГгнг(А)-ХЛ (VVGgng(A)-KhL)
- АВВГгнг(А)-ХЛ (AVVGgng(A)-KhL)
- ВВГЭгнг(А)-ХЛ (VVGEgng(A)-KhL)
- АВВГЭгнг(А)-ХЛ (AVVGEgng(A)-KhL)
- ВБШвгнг(А)-ХЛ (VBShvgng(A)-KhL)
- АВБШвгнг(А)-ХЛ (AVBShvgng(A)-KhL)
- ВБаШвгнг(А)-ХЛ (VBaShvgng(A)-KhL)
- АВБаШвгнг(А)-ХЛ (AVBaShvgng(A)-KhL)
- ВЭБШвгнг(А)-ХЛ (VEBShvgng(A)-KhL)
- АВЭБШвгнг(А)-ХЛ (AVEBShvgng(A)-KhL)
- ВЭБаШвгнг(А)-ХЛ (VEBaShvgng(A)-KhL)
- АВЭБаШвгнг(А)-ХЛ (АVEBaShvgng(A)-KhL)
- VVG-Png(A)-Kh-L, AVVG-Png(A)-Kh-L, VVG-Pgng(A)-Kh-L, AVVG-Pgng(A)-Kh-L, according to specifications 16.K121-027-2013
- Power cables with plastic insulation, flame retardant at group installation with low smoke- and gas emission
- VVGng(A)-LS, AVVGng(A)-LS, VVGEng(A)-LS, AVVGEng(A)-LS, VBShvng(A)-LS, AVBShvng(A)-LS, according to specifications 16 .K71-310-2001
- VVG-Png(A)-LS, AVVG-Png(A)-LS, according to specifications respectively, 16.K71-310-2001
- VVGng(A)-LS, AVVGng(A)-LS, VVGEng(A)-LS, AVVGEng(A)-LS, VBShvng(A)-LS, AVBShvng(A)-LS, according to specifications 16 .K121-018-2011
- VVG-Png(A)-LS, AVVG-Png(A)-LS, according to specifications 16.K121-018-2011
- PvVGng(A)-LS, APvVGng(A)-LS, PvVGЕng(A)-LS, APvVGЕng(A)-LS, PvBShvng(A)-LS, АPvBShvng(A)-LS, according to specifications 16 .K121-018-2011
- PvVGng(A)-LS, PvVGЕng(A)-LS,PvBShvng(A)-LS according to specifications 16.K71-480-2015
- Power cables with xlpe insulation, flame retardant at group installation with low smoke- and gas emission
- Power cables, flame retardant at group installation and not emitting corrosive active gaseous products at burning and smouldering (modification "flame retardant – halogen-free")
- PPGng(A)-HF, PPGEng(A)-HF, PBPng(A)-HF, PPGgng(A)-HF, PPGEgng(A)-HF, PBPgng(A)-HF, according to specifications 16.K121-023-2011
- PvPGng(A)-HF, PvPGEng(A)-HF, according to specifications 16.K71-341-2004
- PPGng(A)-HF, PPGЕng(A)-HF, PBPng(A)-HF, PvPGng(A)-HF, according to specifications 16.K71-304-2001
- PvPGng(A)-HF, PvPGEng(A)-HF, PvBPng(A)-HF, according to specifications 16.K71-480-2015
- Power cables, fire-resisting, flame retardant at group installation, with low smoke- and gas emission (modification "flame retardant – "fire-resistant low smoke")
- VVGng(A)-FRLS, VVGЕng(A)-FRLS, VBShvng(A)-FRLS, VVG-Png(A)-FRLS, according to specifications 16.K121-022-2011
- VVGng(A)-FRLS, VVGЕng(A)-FRLS, according to specifications 16.K71-337-2004
- PvVGng(A)-FRLS, PvVGEng(A)-FRLS, PvBShvng(A)-FRLS, according to specifications 16.K121-022-2011
- PvVGng(A)-FRLS, according to specifications 16.K71-341-2004
- RVGng(A)-FRLS, RVG-Рng(A)-FRLS, RVGЕng(A)-FRLS, according to specifications 16.K121-026-2013
- PvVGng(A)-FRLS, PvVGEng(A)-FRLS, PvBShvng(A)-FRLS according to specifications 16.K71-480-2015
- Low-toxic power cables flame retardant at group installation with low smokeand gas emission
- Power cables fire-resistant flame retardant at group installation, which do not emmit toxic corrosive active gaseous products while burning and smouldering (modification "flame retardant – fire-resistant halogen-free")
- PvPGng(A)-FRHF, PvPGЕng(A)-FRHF, according to specifications 16.K71-341-2004
- PvPGng-FRHF, PvPGEng-FRHF, PvBPng-FRHF, PvPGgng-FRHF, PvPGEgng-FRHF, PvBPgng-FRHF, according to specifications 16.K121-023-2011
- PPGng(A)-FRHF, PPGЕng(A)-FRHF, PBPng(A)-FRHF, according to specifications 16.K71-341-2004
- PPGng(A)-FRHF, PPGЕng(A)-FRHF, PvPGng(A)-FRHF, PvPGEng(A)-FRHF, according to specifications 16.K71-339-2014
- RPGng(A)-FRHF, RPGEng(A)-FRHF, RPG-Png(A)-FRHF, according to specifications 16.K121-026-2013
- PvPGng(A)-FRHF, PvPGEng(A)-FRHF, PvBPng(A)-FRHF according to specifications16.K71-480-2015
- Power cables fire-resisting with plastic insulation flame retardant at group installation in cold-resistant modification with the temperature of cable installation up to -30 degrees below zero
- Power cables for single installation
Power cables for rated voltage up to 6 kV
- VVG, AVVG, VVGg, AVVGg, VBV, AVBV, VBVg, AVBVg, according to specifications 16.K121-028-2013
- PvPGng(A)-HF, PvPGng(A)-HF according to specifications 16.K71-480-2015
- KVEBShv, KVEBShv(u), according to specifications 16.K121-024-2013
- VVG, AVVG, VBV, АVBV, according to specifications 16.K71-359-2005
- KVEBShvng(A), KVEBShv(u)ng(A), according to specifications 16. K121-024-2013
- VVGng(A), AVVGng(A), VVGgng(A), AVVGgng(A), VBVng(A), AVBVng(A), VBVgng(A), AVBVgng(A), according to specifications 16.K121-028-2013
- VBVng(A), AVBVng(A), according to specifications 16.K71-359-2005
- KVEBShv-KhL, KVEBShv(u)-KhL, according to specifications 16.K121-024-2013
- KVEBShvng(A)KhL, KVEBShv(u)ng(A)KhL, according to specifications 16.K121-024-2013
- VVGng(A)-LS, AVVGng(A)-LS, VVGgng(A)-LS, АVVGgng(A)-LS, VBVng(A)-LS, AVBVng(A)-LS, VBVgng(A)-LS, AVBVgng(A)-LS, according to specifications 16.K121-028-2013
- KVEBShvng(A)-FRLS, KVEBShv(u)ng(A)-FRLS according to specifications 16.K121-024-2013
- KVEBShvng(A)-FRKhL, KVEBShv(u)ng(A)-FRKhL according to specifications 16.K121-024-2013
- PvVGng(A)-LS, PvBShvng(A)-LS according to specifications 16.K71-480-2015
Control cables
- KVVG, KVVGz, KVVGE, KVBbShv, according to GOST 1508-78
- KVVGng(A), KVVGzng(A), KVVGЕng(A), KVBbShvng(A), KVBbShvzng(A), according to specifications 3563-004-53972660-2008
- KVVGng(A)-KhL, KVVGzng(A)-KhL, KVVGЕng(A)-KhL, KVBbShvng(A)-KhL, KVVG-Png(A)-KhL, according to specifications 16.K121-012-2013
- KVVGng(A)-KhL, KVVGЕng(A)-KhL, KVBbShvng(A)-KhL, KVVGgng(A)-KhL, KVVGЕgng(A)-KhL, KVBbShvgng(A)-KhL, according to specifications 16.K121-030-2013
- KVVGng(A)- FRLSLTx, KVVGЕng(A)- FRLSLTx, KVBbShvng(A)- FRLSLTx according to specifications 3563-010-53972660-2010
- KVVGng(A)-LS, KVVGEng(A)-LS, according to specifications 16.K71-310-2001
- KVVGng(A)-LS, KVVGzng(A)-LS, KVVGЕng(A)-LS, KVBbShvng(A)-LS, KVVG-Png(A)-LS, according to specifications 3563-010-53972660-2010
- KPPGng(A)-HF, KPPGЕng(A)-HF, KPBPng(A)-HF, according to specifications 16.K71-304-2001
- KPPGng(A)-HF, KPPGЕng(A)-HF, KPBbPng(A)-HF, according to specifications 16.K121-029-2013
- KVVGng(A)-FRLS, KVVGЕng(A)-FRLS, according to specifications 16.K71-337-2004
- KVVGng(A)-FRLS, KVVGЕng(A)-FRLS, KVBbShvng(A)-FRLS, according to specifications 3563-010-53972660-2010
- KPPGng(A)-FRHF, KPPGЕng(A)-FRHF, according to specifications 16.K71-339-2004
- KPPGng(A)-FRHF, KPPGЕng(A)-FRHF, KPBbPng(A)-FRHF, according to specifications 16.K121-029-2014
- KPBPng(A)- FRHF, KPvBPng(A)-FRHF according to specifications 16.K71-480-2015
- KVVGng(A)-FRKhL, KVVGЕng(A)-FRKhL, KVBbShvng(A)-FRKhL, according to specifications 16.K121-030-2013
- KPBShvng(A)-FRLS, KPvBShvng(A)-FRLS according to specifications 16.K71-480-2015
- KPBPng(A)- HF, KPvBPng(A)- HF according to specifications 16.K71-480-2015
- KPBShvng(A)-LS, KPvBShvng(A)-LS according to specifications 16.К71-480-2015
- KVVGng(A)- LSLTx, KVVGzng(A)- LSLTx, KVVGЕng(A)- LSLTx, KVBbShvng(A)- LSLTx, KVVG-Png(A)- LSLTx according to specifications 3563-010-53972660-2010
- Wires, cords and connecting cables
Wires and cables for electrical units
- PuV, PuGV, PuVV, PuGVV, KuVV, KuGVV, according to specifications 16-705.501-2010
- PV1, PV1-KhL, PV2, PV2-KhL, PV3, PV3-KhL, PV4, PV4-KhL, PPV, PPV-KhL, АPV, АPV-KhL, according to GOST 6323-79
- PuVng(A)-LS, PuGVng(A)-LS, PuVVng(A)-LS, PuGVVng(A)-LS, KuVVng(A)-LS, KuGVVng(A)-LS, according to specifications 16-705.502-2011
- KuRVng(A)-FRLS, KuGRVng(A)-FRLS, according to specifications 16-K121-025-2013
- KuREVng(A)-FRLS, KuGREVng(A)-FRLS, according to specifications 16-K121-025-2013
- KuRKVng(A)-FRLS, KuGRKVng(A)-FRLS, according to specifications 16-K121-025-2013
- KuREVKVng(A)-FRLS, KuGREVKVng(A)-FRLS, according to specifications 16-K121-025-2013
- KuRPng(A)-FRHF, KuGRPng(A)-FRHF, according to specifications 16.K121-025-2013
- KuREPng(A)-FRHF, KuGREPng(A)-FRHF, according to specifications 16.K121-025-2013
- KuRKPng(A)-FRHF, KuGRKPng(A)-FRHF, according to specifications 16.K121-025-2013
- KuREPKPng(A)-FRHF, KuREPKPng(A)-FRHF, according to specifications 16.K121-025-2013
- KuRVng(A)-FRLSTx, KuGRVng(A)-FRLSTx, according to specifications 16-K121-025-2013
- KuRKVng(A)-FRLSTx, KuGRKVng(A)-FRLSTx, according to specifications 16-K121-025-2013
- KuREVng(A)-FRLSTx, KuREVng(A)-FRLSTx, according to specifications 16-K121-025-2013
Cables for Fire Alarm Systems
- КPSVVng(А)-LS, КPSVVGng(А)-LS, КPSVEVng(А)-LS, КPSVEVGng(А)-LS, КPSVEEVng(А)-LS, КPSVEEVGng(А)-LS, according to specifications 16.K121-020-2011
- КPSng(А)-FRLS, КPSGng(А)-FRLS, КPSEng(А)-FRLS, КPSEGng(А)-FRLS, КPSEEng(А)-FRLS, КPSEEGng(А)-FRLS, according to specifications 16.K121-021-2011
- KPSng(A)-FRHF, KPSGng(A)-FRHF, KPSEng(A)-FRHF, KPSEGng(A)-FRHF, KPSEEng(A)-FRHF, KPSЕEGng(A)-FRHF, according to specifications 16.K121-021-2011
- KPSSng(A)-FRLS, KPSSGng(A)-FRLS, KPSESng(A)-FRLS, KPSESGng(A)-FRLS, according to specifications 16.K121-021-2011
- KPSSng(A)-FRHF, KPSSGng(A)-FRHF, KPSESng(A)-FRHF, KPSESGng(A)-FRHF, according to specifications 16.K121-021-2011
- KPSSng(A)-FRLSLTx, KPSSGng(A)-FRLSLTx, KPSЕSng(A)-FRLSLTx,KPSЕSGng(A)-FRLSLTx according to specifications 16.K121-021-2011
Cables for monitoring and control circuits
- KUGVVng(A)-LS, KUGVEVng(A)-LS, KUGVVEng(A)-LS, according to specifications 16.K71-310-2001
- KUGVVng(A)-FRLS, KUGVEVng(A)-FRLS, KUGVVЕng(A)-LS, according to specifications 16.K71-337-2004
- KUPPng(A)-HF, KUPPlng(A)-HF, according to specifications 3561-411-00217053-2009
- KUPPmng(A)-HF, KUPPmng(A)-FRHF, KUPEfPmng(A)-HF, KUPEfPmng(A)-FRHF, according to specifications 3561-441-00217053-2012
- KUPPng(A)-FRHF, KUPPlng(A)-FRHF, according to specifications 3561-442-00217053-2012
- KUGPvEPvng(A)-HF-LOCA, KUGPvEPvng(A)-HF-T-LOCA, KUGPvEPvng(A)-FRHF-LOCA, KUGPvEPvng(A)-FRHF-T-LOCA, KUGPvEPvng(A)-HF, KUGPvEPvng(A)-HF-T, KUGPvEPvng(A)-FRHF, KUGPvEPvng(A)-FRHF-T according to specifications 16.К71-451-2012
- КУГПвЭПвнг(А)-HF (KUGPvEPvng(A)-HF)
- КУГПвЭПвнг(А)-HF-Т (KUGPvEPvng(A)-HF-T)
- Small-size cables
Cables for control systems and alarm
- KPEPng(A)-HF, KGPEPng(A)-HF, KUGPPng(A)-HF, KUGPPEng(A)-HF, KUGPPEPng(A)-HF, KUGPEPng(A)-HF, KUGEPPng(A)-HF, KUGEPPEng(A)-HF, KUGEPPEPng(A)-HF, according to specifications 16.K71-338-2004
- KPEPng(A)-FRHF, KGPEPng(A)-FRHF, KUGPPng(A)-FRHF, KUGPPЕng(A)-FRHF, KUGPPЕРng(A)-FRHF, KUGPЕРng(A)-FRHF, KUGЕРРng(A)-FRHF, KUGЕРРЕng(A)-FRHF, KUGЕРРЕРng(A)-FRHF, according to specifications 16.K71-338-2004
Telephone cables
- TVBPng(A)-HF – Russian analogue of J-2YF(St)H… Bd, А-2YF(L)H..BD, TVBPBbPng(A)-HF – Russian analogue of J-2YF(St)BH according to Specification 16.K71-468-2015
- TVBVng(A)-LS – Russian analogue of J-2YF(St)Y… Bd, А-2YF(L)Y..BD Flame Retardant Low Smoke, TVBVBbShvng(A)-LS – Russian analogue of J-2YF(St)BY Flame Retardant Low Smoke according to Specification 16.K71-468-2015
- By category
- Cables compact
- Voltage
- 500 / 1000
- In execution
- Flame retardant (-ng(А)) / With low smoke and gas emission (-LS) / Fireproof (-FR) / Shielded
- Insulation
- Copper
- Shell
- Crosslinked polyethylene
- Core material
- Flexible PVC
- Number and nom, cross-section of CCC and screens, nxmm2, external diameter, mm, weight of 1km of cable, kg
Number of conductors, nominal cross-section (mm2), construction, voltage (kV) Calculated diameter of cable, mm Calculated weight of cable, kg/km 2х0,35 9,6 100 3х0,35 10,1 120 4х0,35 11,5 160 7х0,35 13,4 224 10х0,35 16,6 303 12х0,35 17,7 365 14х0,35 18,6 405 19х0,35 20,5 503 24х0,35 23,7 617 27х0,35 24,1 667 30х0,35 25,0 722 37х0,35 27,7 907 52х0,35 32,2 1196 16х0,35э 30,0 808 19х0,35э 33,3 935 37х0,35э 44,5 1570 2х0,5 9,9 107 3х0,5 10,4 128 4х0,5 11,8 171 7х0,5 13,8 243 10х0,5 17,7 356 12х0,5 18,2 396 14х0,5 19,1 441 19х0,5 21,1 550 24х0,5 24,4 675 27х0,5 24,9 732 30х0,5 26,5 848 37х0,5 28,5 995 52х0,5 33,2 1318 16х0,5э 32,9 1022 19х0,5э 36,6 1186 37х0,5э 49,2 2034 2х0,75 10,3 117 3х0,75 11,4 160 4х0,75 12,3 190 7х0,75 14,4 274 10х0,75 18,6 401 12х0,75 19,1 449 14х0,75 20,0 501 19х0,75 22,1 629 24х0,75 26,4 829 27х0,75 27,0 898 30х0,75 27,9 973 37х0,75 30,0 1146 52х0,75 35,0 1526 2х1,0 11,6 150 3х1,0 12,2 181 4х1,0 13,2 216 7х1,0 15,5 315 10х1,0 20,0 461 12х1,0 20,5 518 14х1,0 21,6 580 19х1,0 23,9 733 24х1,0 28,5 963 27х1,0 29,1 1046 30х1,0 30,1 1135 37х1,0 32,4 1342 52х1,0 37,9 1793 2х1,5 12,6 176 3х1,5 13,2 215 4х1,5 14,4 260 7х1,5 17,0 385 10х1,5 22,0 563 12х1,5 22,6 636 14х1,5 23,8 715 19х1,5 27,2 965 24х1,5 31,5 1191 27х1,5 32,2 1298 30х1,5 33,3 1412 37х1,5 35,9 1677 52х1,5 42,1 2255
The cables are designed for transmission and distribution of nominal electric energy stationary electric installations on nominal alternating voltage 0,5 and 1 kV and frequency up to 100 Hz or correspondingly on direct voltage 0.75 and 1.5 kV. The cables are manufactured for general industrial use and nuclear power stations. The cables don’t spread combustion at group installation. The cables are designed for use in cable structures and premises, including objects which use nuclear power, in the systems of NPP of class 2 according to classification of ОПБ-88/97 (ПНАЭ Г – 01-011).
The climate modification B, categories of location 1– 5, according to GOST 15150-69.
The class of fire hazard of the cables according to GOST 31565 - П1б.
Current-carrying conductor
Copper, multi-wire of circular form, of the 3 or 4 class according to GOST 22483.
Thermal barrier
Taping with two mica tapes.
XLPE (color or digital coded conductors).
Insulated conductors are screened or screened in pairs by braiding with copper galvanized or copper wires.
Core arrangement and twisting
Insulated conductors, screened cores and screened pairs are twisted in a cable core by concentric layer.
Of PET or polyamide film.
Over sheath
PVC-compound of low fire hazard.
- By category
- Cables compact
- Voltage
- 500 / 1000
- In execution
- Flame retardant (-ng(А)) / With low smoke and gas emission (-LS) / Fireproof (-FR) / Shielded
- Insulation
- Copper
- Shell
- Crosslinked polyethylene
- Core material
- Flexible PVC
- Number and nom, cross-section of CCC and screens, nxmm2, external diameter, mm, weight of 1km of cable, kg
Number of conductors, nominal cross-section (mm2), construction, voltage (kV) Calculated diameter of cable, mm Calculated weight of cable, kg/km 2х0,35 9,6 100 3х0,35 10,1 120 4х0,35 11,5 160 7х0,35 13,4 224 10х0,35 16,6 303 12х0,35 17,7 365 14х0,35 18,6 405 19х0,35 20,5 503 24х0,35 23,7 617 27х0,35 24,1 667 30х0,35 25,0 722 37х0,35 27,7 907 52х0,35 32,2 1196 16х0,35э 30,0 808 19х0,35э 33,3 935 37х0,35э 44,5 1570 2х0,5 9,9 107 3х0,5 10,4 128 4х0,5 11,8 171 7х0,5 13,8 243 10х0,5 17,7 356 12х0,5 18,2 396 14х0,5 19,1 441 19х0,5 21,1 550 24х0,5 24,4 675 27х0,5 24,9 732 30х0,5 26,5 848 37х0,5 28,5 995 52х0,5 33,2 1318 16х0,5э 32,9 1022 19х0,5э 36,6 1186 37х0,5э 49,2 2034 2х0,75 10,3 117 3х0,75 11,4 160 4х0,75 12,3 190 7х0,75 14,4 274 10х0,75 18,6 401 12х0,75 19,1 449 14х0,75 20,0 501 19х0,75 22,1 629 24х0,75 26,4 829 27х0,75 27,0 898 30х0,75 27,9 973 37х0,75 30,0 1146 52х0,75 35,0 1526 2х1,0 11,6 150 3х1,0 12,2 181 4х1,0 13,2 216 7х1,0 15,5 315 10х1,0 20,0 461 12х1,0 20,5 518 14х1,0 21,6 580 19х1,0 23,9 733 24х1,0 28,5 963 27х1,0 29,1 1046 30х1,0 30,1 1135 37х1,0 32,4 1342 52х1,0 37,9 1793 2х1,5 12,6 176 3х1,5 13,2 215 4х1,5 14,4 260 7х1,5 17,0 385 10х1,5 22,0 563 12х1,5 22,6 636 14х1,5 23,8 715 19х1,5 27,2 965 24х1,5 31,5 1191 27х1,5 32,2 1298 30х1,5 33,3 1412 37х1,5 35,9 1677 52х1,5 42,1 2255