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Power cables of nominal voltage up to 3kv
- Power cables for single installation
- VVG, AVVG, VVGE, AVVGE, VBShV, AVBShV, according to specification 16-705.4992010
- VVG-P, AVVG-P, according to specification 16-705.499-2010
- VVG, AVVG, VVGz, AVVGz, VBbShV, AVBbShV, VVG-P, AVVG-P, according to GOST 16442-80
- VVGg-KhL, AVVGg-KhL, VVGEg-KhL, AVVGEg-KhL, VBShvg-KhL, AVBShvg-KhL, according to specification 16.K121-017-2011
- VBaShv-KhL, AVBaShv-KhL, VKaShv-KhL, VKShv-KhL, AVKShv-KhL, AVKaShv-KhL, according to specification 16.K121-017-2011
- PvVG, APvVG, PvVGE, APvVGE, PvBShv, APvBShv, PvVG-P, APvVG-P, PvBShP, APvBShP, according to specification 16-705.499-2010
- PvVG-KhL, APvVG-KhL, PvVGE-KhL, APvVGE -KhL, PvVG-P-KhL, APvVG-P-KhL, PVBShv-KhL, APVBShv-KhL, PVBaShv-KhL, APVBaShv-KhL, PvKShv-KhL, APvKShv-KhL, PvKaShv-KhL, APvKaShv-KhL, according to specification 16.K121-017-2011
- ПвВГ-ХЛ (PvVG-KhL)
- ПвВГ-П-ХЛ (PvVG-P-KhL)
- ПвБШв-ХЛ (PvBShv-KhL)
- АПвБШв-ХЛ (APvBShv-KhL)
- ПвБаШв-ХЛ (PvBaShv-KhL)
- АПвБаШв-ХЛ (APvBaShv-KhL)
- ПвКШв-ХЛ (PvKShv-KhL)
- АПвКШв-ХЛ (APvKShv-KhL)
- ПвКаШв-ХЛ (PvKaShv-KhL)
- АПвКаШв-ХЛ (APvKaShv-KhL)
- NYM-J, NYM-O according to specifications 3521-002-53972660-2007
- NY(F)2Y-J
- Power cables flame retardant at group installation (modification "flame retardant")
- Power cables with plastic insulation flame retardant at group installation in cold-resistant modification
- VVGng(A)-KhL, AVVGng(A)-KhL, VVGEng(A)-KhL, AVVGEng(A)-KhL, VBShvng(A)–KhL, АVBShvng(A), VVG-Png(A)-KhL, AVVG-Png(A)-KhL, according to specifications 16.K121-017-2011
- VBAShvng (A)-KhL, AVBAShvng(A)-KhL, VKShvng(A)-KhL, AVKShvng(A)-KhL, VKaShvng(A)-KhL, AVKaShvng(A)-KhL, according to specifications 16.K121-017-2011
- PvVGng(A)-KhL, APvVGng(A)-KhL, PvVG-Png(A)-KhL, APvVG-Png(A)-KhL, PvVGEng(A)-KhL, APvVGEng(A)-KhL, PvBShvng(A)-KhL, APvBShvng(A)-KhL, PvBaShvng(A)-KhL, APvBaShvng(A)-KhL, PvKShvng(A)-KhL, APvKShvng(A)-KhL, PvKaShvng(A)-KhL, APvKaShvng(A)-KhL
- ПвВГнг(А)-ХЛ (PvVGng(A)-KhL)
- АПвВГнг(А)-ХЛ (APvVGng(A)-KhL)
- ПвВГ-Пнг(А)-ХЛ (PvVG-Png(A)-KhL)
- АПвВГ-Пнг(А)-ХЛ (APvVG-Png(A)-KhL)
- ПвВГЭнг(А)-ХЛ (PvVGEng(A)-KhL)
- АПвВГЭнг(А)-ХЛ (APvVGEng(A)-KhL)
- ПвБШвнг(А)-ХЛ (PvBShvng(A)-KhL)
- АПвБШвнг(А)-ХЛ (APvBShvng(A)-KhL)
- ПвБаШвнг(А)-ХЛ (PvBaShvng(A)-KhL)
- АПвБаШвнг(А)-ХЛ (APvBaShvng(A)-KhL)
- ПвКШвнг(А)-ХЛ (PvKShvng(A)-KhL)
- АПвКШвнг(А)-ХЛ (APvKShvng(A)-KhL)
- ПвКаШвнг(А)-ХЛ (PvKaShvng(A)-KhL)
- АПвКаШвнг(А)-ХЛ (APvKaShvng(A)-KhL)
- VGng (A)-KhL, AVVGng (A)-KhL, VVGEng (A)-KhL, AVVGEng (A)-KhL, VBShVng (A)–KhL, AVBShVng (A)–KhL, VBaShVng (A)–KhL, AVBaShVng (A)–KhL, VeBShvng (A)–KhL, AVeBShvng (A)–KhL, VeBShvng (A)–KhL, АVeBShvng (A)–KhL, according to specifications 16.K121-027-20133
- ВВГнг(А)-ХЛ (VVGng(A)-KhL)
- АВВГнг(А)-ХЛ (AVVGng(A)-KhL)
- ВВГЭнг(А)-ХЛ (VVGEng(A)-KhL)
- АВВГЭнг(А)-ХЛ (AVVGEng(A)-KhL)
- ВБШвнг(А)-ХЛ (VBShVng(A)–KhL)
- АВБШвнг(А)-ХЛ (AVBShVng(A)–KhL)
- ВБаШвнг(А)-ХЛ (VBaShVng(A)–KhL)
- АВБаШвнг(А)-ХЛ (AVBaShVng(A)–KhL)
- ВЭБШвнг(А)-ХЛ (VEBShvng(A)–KhL)
- АВЭБШвнг(А)-ХЛ (AVEBShvng(A)–KhL)
- ВЭБаШвнг(А)-ХЛ (VEBaShvng(A)–KhL)
- АВЭБаШвнг(А)-ХЛ (АVEBaShvng(A)–KhL)
- VVGgng(A)-KhL, AVVGgng(A)-KhL, VVGEgng(A)-KhL, AVVGEgng(A)-KhL, VBShVgng(A)–KhL, AVBShVgng(A)–KhL, VBaShVgng(A)–KhL, AVBaShVgng(A)–KhL, VeBShvgng(A)–KhL, AVeBShvgng(A)–KhL, VeBShvgng(A)–KhL, АVeBShvgng(A)–KhL
- ВВГгнг(А)-ХЛ (VVGgng(A)-KhL)
- АВВГгнг(А)-ХЛ (AVVGgng(A)-KhL)
- ВВГЭгнг(А)-ХЛ (VVGEgng(A)-KhL)
- АВВГЭгнг(А)-ХЛ (AVVGEgng(A)-KhL)
- ВБШвгнг(А)-ХЛ (VBShvgng(A)-KhL)
- АВБШвгнг(А)-ХЛ (AVBShvgng(A)-KhL)
- ВБаШвгнг(А)-ХЛ (VBaShvgng(A)-KhL)
- АВБаШвгнг(А)-ХЛ (AVBaShvgng(A)-KhL)
- ВЭБШвгнг(А)-ХЛ (VEBShvgng(A)-KhL)
- АВЭБШвгнг(А)-ХЛ (AVEBShvgng(A)-KhL)
- ВЭБаШвгнг(А)-ХЛ (VEBaShvgng(A)-KhL)
- АВЭБаШвгнг(А)-ХЛ (АVEBaShvgng(A)-KhL)
- VVG-Png(A)-Kh-L, AVVG-Png(A)-Kh-L, VVG-Pgng(A)-Kh-L, AVVG-Pgng(A)-Kh-L, according to specifications 16.K121-027-2013
- Power cables with plastic insulation, flame retardant at group installation with low smoke- and gas emission
- VVGng(A)-LS, AVVGng(A)-LS, VVGEng(A)-LS, AVVGEng(A)-LS, VBShvng(A)-LS, AVBShvng(A)-LS, according to specifications 16 .K71-310-2001
- VVG-Png(A)-LS, AVVG-Png(A)-LS, according to specifications respectively, 16.K71-310-2001
- VVGng(A)-LS, AVVGng(A)-LS, VVGEng(A)-LS, AVVGEng(A)-LS, VBShvng(A)-LS, AVBShvng(A)-LS, according to specifications 16 .K121-018-2011
- VVG-Png(A)-LS, AVVG-Png(A)-LS, according to specifications 16.K121-018-2011
- PvVGng(A)-LS, APvVGng(A)-LS, PvVGЕng(A)-LS, APvVGЕng(A)-LS, PvBShvng(A)-LS, АPvBShvng(A)-LS, according to specifications 16 .K121-018-2011
- PvVGng(A)-LS, PvVGЕng(A)-LS,PvBShvng(A)-LS according to specifications 16.K71-480-2015
- Power cables with xlpe insulation, flame retardant at group installation with low smoke- and gas emission
- Power cables, flame retardant at group installation and not emitting corrosive active gaseous products at burning and smouldering (modification "flame retardant – halogen-free")
- PPGng(A)-HF, PPGEng(A)-HF, PBPng(A)-HF, PPGgng(A)-HF, PPGEgng(A)-HF, PBPgng(A)-HF, according to specifications 16.K121-023-2011
- PvPGng(A)-HF, PvPGEng(A)-HF, according to specifications 16.K71-341-2004
- PPGng(A)-HF, PPGЕng(A)-HF, PBPng(A)-HF, PvPGng(A)-HF, according to specifications 16.K71-304-2001
- PvPGng(A)-HF, PvPGEng(A)-HF, PvBPng(A)-HF, according to specifications 16.K71-480-2015
- Power cables, fire-resisting, flame retardant at group installation, with low smoke- and gas emission (modification "flame retardant – "fire-resistant low smoke")
- VVGng(A)-FRLS, VVGЕng(A)-FRLS, VBShvng(A)-FRLS, VVG-Png(A)-FRLS, according to specifications 16.K121-022-2011
- VVGng(A)-FRLS, VVGЕng(A)-FRLS, according to specifications 16.K71-337-2004
- PvVGng(A)-FRLS, PvVGEng(A)-FRLS, PvBShvng(A)-FRLS, according to specifications 16.K121-022-2011
- PvVGng(A)-FRLS, according to specifications 16.K71-341-2004
- RVGng(A)-FRLS, RVG-Рng(A)-FRLS, RVGЕng(A)-FRLS, according to specifications 16.K121-026-2013
- PvVGng(A)-FRLS, PvVGEng(A)-FRLS, PvBShvng(A)-FRLS according to specifications 16.K71-480-2015
- Low-toxic power cables flame retardant at group installation with low smokeand gas emission
- Power cables fire-resistant flame retardant at group installation, which do not emmit toxic corrosive active gaseous products while burning and smouldering (modification "flame retardant – fire-resistant halogen-free")
- PvPGng(A)-FRHF, PvPGЕng(A)-FRHF, according to specifications 16.K71-341-2004
- PvPGng-FRHF, PvPGEng-FRHF, PvBPng-FRHF, PvPGgng-FRHF, PvPGEgng-FRHF, PvBPgng-FRHF, according to specifications 16.K121-023-2011
- PPGng(A)-FRHF, PPGЕng(A)-FRHF, PBPng(A)-FRHF, according to specifications 16.K71-341-2004
- PPGng(A)-FRHF, PPGЕng(A)-FRHF, PvPGng(A)-FRHF, PvPGEng(A)-FRHF, according to specifications 16.K71-339-2014
- RPGng(A)-FRHF, RPGEng(A)-FRHF, RPG-Png(A)-FRHF, according to specifications 16.K121-026-2013
- PvPGng(A)-FRHF, PvPGEng(A)-FRHF, PvBPng(A)-FRHF according to specifications16.K71-480-2015
- Power cables fire-resisting with plastic insulation flame retardant at group installation in cold-resistant modification with the temperature of cable installation up to -30 degrees below zero
- Power cables for single installation
Power cables for rated voltage up to 6 kV
- VVG, AVVG, VVGg, AVVGg, VBV, AVBV, VBVg, AVBVg, according to specifications 16.K121-028-2013
- PvPGng(A)-HF, PvPGng(A)-HF according to specifications 16.K71-480-2015
- KVEBShv, KVEBShv(u), according to specifications 16.K121-024-2013
- VVG, AVVG, VBV, АVBV, according to specifications 16.K71-359-2005
- KVEBShvng(A), KVEBShv(u)ng(A), according to specifications 16. K121-024-2013
- VVGng(A), AVVGng(A), VVGgng(A), AVVGgng(A), VBVng(A), AVBVng(A), VBVgng(A), AVBVgng(A), according to specifications 16.K121-028-2013
- VBVng(A), AVBVng(A), according to specifications 16.K71-359-2005
- KVEBShv-KhL, KVEBShv(u)-KhL, according to specifications 16.K121-024-2013
- KVEBShvng(A)KhL, KVEBShv(u)ng(A)KhL, according to specifications 16.K121-024-2013
- VVGng(A)-LS, AVVGng(A)-LS, VVGgng(A)-LS, АVVGgng(A)-LS, VBVng(A)-LS, AVBVng(A)-LS, VBVgng(A)-LS, AVBVgng(A)-LS, according to specifications 16.K121-028-2013
- KVEBShvng(A)-FRLS, KVEBShv(u)ng(A)-FRLS according to specifications 16.K121-024-2013
- KVEBShvng(A)-FRKhL, KVEBShv(u)ng(A)-FRKhL according to specifications 16.K121-024-2013
- PvVGng(A)-LS, PvBShvng(A)-LS according to specifications 16.K71-480-2015
Control cables
- KVVG, KVVGz, KVVGE, KVBbShv, according to GOST 1508-78
- KVVGng(A), KVVGzng(A), KVVGЕng(A), KVBbShvng(A), KVBbShvzng(A), according to specifications 3563-004-53972660-2008
- KVVGng(A)-KhL, KVVGzng(A)-KhL, KVVGЕng(A)-KhL, KVBbShvng(A)-KhL, KVVG-Png(A)-KhL, according to specifications 16.K121-012-2013
- KVVGng(A)-KhL, KVVGЕng(A)-KhL, KVBbShvng(A)-KhL, KVVGgng(A)-KhL, KVVGЕgng(A)-KhL, KVBbShvgng(A)-KhL, according to specifications 16.K121-030-2013
- KVVGng(A)- FRLSLTx, KVVGЕng(A)- FRLSLTx, KVBbShvng(A)- FRLSLTx according to specifications 3563-010-53972660-2010
- KVVGng(A)-LS, KVVGEng(A)-LS, according to specifications 16.K71-310-2001
- KVVGng(A)-LS, KVVGzng(A)-LS, KVVGЕng(A)-LS, KVBbShvng(A)-LS, KVVG-Png(A)-LS, according to specifications 3563-010-53972660-2010
- KPPGng(A)-HF, KPPGЕng(A)-HF, KPBPng(A)-HF, according to specifications 16.K71-304-2001
- KPPGng(A)-HF, KPPGЕng(A)-HF, KPBbPng(A)-HF, according to specifications 16.K121-029-2013
- KVVGng(A)-FRLS, KVVGЕng(A)-FRLS, according to specifications 16.K71-337-2004
- KVVGng(A)-FRLS, KVVGЕng(A)-FRLS, KVBbShvng(A)-FRLS, according to specifications 3563-010-53972660-2010
- KPPGng(A)-FRHF, KPPGЕng(A)-FRHF, according to specifications 16.K71-339-2004
- KPPGng(A)-FRHF, KPPGЕng(A)-FRHF, KPBbPng(A)-FRHF, according to specifications 16.K121-029-2014
- KPBPng(A)- FRHF, KPvBPng(A)-FRHF according to specifications 16.K71-480-2015
- KVVGng(A)-FRKhL, KVVGЕng(A)-FRKhL, KVBbShvng(A)-FRKhL, according to specifications 16.K121-030-2013
- KPBShvng(A)-FRLS, KPvBShvng(A)-FRLS according to specifications 16.K71-480-2015
- KPBPng(A)- HF, KPvBPng(A)- HF according to specifications 16.K71-480-2015
- KPBShvng(A)-LS, KPvBShvng(A)-LS according to specifications 16.К71-480-2015
- KVVGng(A)- LSLTx, KVVGzng(A)- LSLTx, KVVGЕng(A)- LSLTx, KVBbShvng(A)- LSLTx, KVVG-Png(A)- LSLTx according to specifications 3563-010-53972660-2010
- Wires, cords and connecting cables
Wires and cables for electrical units
- PuV, PuGV, PuVV, PuGVV, KuVV, KuGVV, according to specifications 16-705.501-2010
- PV1, PV1-KhL, PV2, PV2-KhL, PV3, PV3-KhL, PV4, PV4-KhL, PPV, PPV-KhL, АPV, АPV-KhL, according to GOST 6323-79
- PuVng(A)-LS, PuGVng(A)-LS, PuVVng(A)-LS, PuGVVng(A)-LS, KuVVng(A)-LS, KuGVVng(A)-LS, according to specifications 16-705.502-2011
- KuRVng(A)-FRLS, KuGRVng(A)-FRLS, according to specifications 16-K121-025-2013
- KuREVng(A)-FRLS, KuGREVng(A)-FRLS, according to specifications 16-K121-025-2013
- KuRKVng(A)-FRLS, KuGRKVng(A)-FRLS, according to specifications 16-K121-025-2013
- KuREVKVng(A)-FRLS, KuGREVKVng(A)-FRLS, according to specifications 16-K121-025-2013
- KuRPng(A)-FRHF, KuGRPng(A)-FRHF, according to specifications 16.K121-025-2013
- KuREPng(A)-FRHF, KuGREPng(A)-FRHF, according to specifications 16.K121-025-2013
- KuRKPng(A)-FRHF, KuGRKPng(A)-FRHF, according to specifications 16.K121-025-2013
- KuREPKPng(A)-FRHF, KuREPKPng(A)-FRHF, according to specifications 16.K121-025-2013
- KuRVng(A)-FRLSTx, KuGRVng(A)-FRLSTx, according to specifications 16-K121-025-2013
- KuRKVng(A)-FRLSTx, KuGRKVng(A)-FRLSTx, according to specifications 16-K121-025-2013
- KuREVng(A)-FRLSTx, KuREVng(A)-FRLSTx, according to specifications 16-K121-025-2013
Cables for Fire Alarm Systems
- КPSVVng(А)-LS, КPSVVGng(А)-LS, КPSVEVng(А)-LS, КPSVEVGng(А)-LS, КPSVEEVng(А)-LS, КPSVEEVGng(А)-LS, according to specifications 16.K121-020-2011
- КPSng(А)-FRLS, КPSGng(А)-FRLS, КPSEng(А)-FRLS, КPSEGng(А)-FRLS, КPSEEng(А)-FRLS, КPSEEGng(А)-FRLS, according to specifications 16.K121-021-2011
- KPSng(A)-FRHF, KPSGng(A)-FRHF, KPSEng(A)-FRHF, KPSEGng(A)-FRHF, KPSEEng(A)-FRHF, KPSЕEGng(A)-FRHF, according to specifications 16.K121-021-2011
- KPSSng(A)-FRLS, KPSSGng(A)-FRLS, KPSESng(A)-FRLS, KPSESGng(A)-FRLS, according to specifications 16.K121-021-2011
- KPSSng(A)-FRHF, KPSSGng(A)-FRHF, KPSESng(A)-FRHF, KPSESGng(A)-FRHF, according to specifications 16.K121-021-2011
- KPSSng(A)-FRLSLTx, KPSSGng(A)-FRLSLTx, KPSЕSng(A)-FRLSLTx,KPSЕSGng(A)-FRLSLTx according to specifications 16.K121-021-2011
Cables for monitoring and control circuits
- KUGVVng(A)-LS, KUGVEVng(A)-LS, KUGVVEng(A)-LS, according to specifications 16.K71-310-2001
- KUGVVng(A)-FRLS, KUGVEVng(A)-FRLS, KUGVVЕng(A)-LS, according to specifications 16.K71-337-2004
- KUPPng(A)-HF, KUPPlng(A)-HF, according to specifications 3561-411-00217053-2009
- KUPPmng(A)-HF, KUPPmng(A)-FRHF, KUPEfPmng(A)-HF, KUPEfPmng(A)-FRHF, according to specifications 3561-441-00217053-2012
- KUPPng(A)-FRHF, KUPPlng(A)-FRHF, according to specifications 3561-442-00217053-2012
- KUGPvEPvng(A)-HF-LOCA, KUGPvEPvng(A)-HF-T-LOCA, KUGPvEPvng(A)-FRHF-LOCA, KUGPvEPvng(A)-FRHF-T-LOCA, KUGPvEPvng(A)-HF, KUGPvEPvng(A)-HF-T, KUGPvEPvng(A)-FRHF, KUGPvEPvng(A)-FRHF-T according to specifications 16.К71-451-2012
- КУГПвЭПвнг(А)-HF (KUGPvEPvng(A)-HF)
- КУГПвЭПвнг(А)-HF-Т (KUGPvEPvng(A)-HF-T)
- Small-size cables
Cables for control systems and alarm
- KPEPng(A)-HF, KGPEPng(A)-HF, KUGPPng(A)-HF, KUGPPEng(A)-HF, KUGPPEPng(A)-HF, KUGPEPng(A)-HF, KUGEPPng(A)-HF, KUGEPPEng(A)-HF, KUGEPPEPng(A)-HF, according to specifications 16.K71-338-2004
- KPEPng(A)-FRHF, KGPEPng(A)-FRHF, KUGPPng(A)-FRHF, KUGPPЕng(A)-FRHF, KUGPPЕРng(A)-FRHF, KUGPЕРng(A)-FRHF, KUGЕРРng(A)-FRHF, KUGЕРРЕng(A)-FRHF, KUGЕРРЕРng(A)-FRHF, according to specifications 16.K71-338-2004
Telephone cables
- TVBPng(A)-HF – Russian analogue of J-2YF(St)H… Bd, А-2YF(L)H..BD, TVBPBbPng(A)-HF – Russian analogue of J-2YF(St)BH according to Specification 16.K71-468-2015
- TVBVng(A)-LS – Russian analogue of J-2YF(St)Y… Bd, А-2YF(L)Y..BD Flame Retardant Low Smoke, TVBVBbShvng(A)-LS – Russian analogue of J-2YF(St)BY Flame Retardant Low Smoke according to Specification 16.K71-468-2015
- By category
- Force cables
- Voltage
- 660 / 1000 / 3000
- In execution
- For a single pad / Shielded
- Insulation
- Aluminum
- Shell
- PVC insulation
- Core material
- Flexible PVC
- Number and nom, cross-section of CCC and screens, nxmm2, external diameter, mm, weight of 1km of cable, kg
AVVGE Number of conductors, nominal cross-section (mm2), construction, voltage (kV) Calculated diameter of the cable, mm Calculated weight of the cable, kg/km 2х2,5ок(N)-0,66 12,5 229 2х4ок(N)-0,66 13,8 281 2х6ок(N)-0,66 14,8 325 2х10ок(N)-0,66 17,4 448 2х16ок(N)-0,66 19,2 550 2х25ок(N)-0,66 22,3 742 2х35ок(N)-0,66 24,6 912 2х50ок(N)-0,66 27,6 1141 3х2,5ок(N,PE)-0,66 12,9 245 3х4ок(N,PE)-0,66 14,4 303 3х6ок(N,PE)-0,66 15,4 352 3х10ок(N,PE)-0,66 18,2 492 3х16ок(N,PE)-0,66 20,1 610 3х25ок(N,PE)-0,66 23,7 839 3х35ок(N,PE)-0,66 26 1023 3х50ок(N,PE)-0,66 29,1 1285 4х2,5ок(N)-0,66 13,7 273 4х4ок(N)-0,66 15,3 341 4х6ок(N)-0,66 16,5 402 4х10ок(N)-0,66 19,6 566 4х16ок(N)-0,66 21,8 709 4х25ок(N)-0,66 25,9 1001 4х35ок(N)-0,66 28,3 1208 4х50ок(N)-0,66 31,8 1525 5х2,5ок(N,PE)-0,66 14,6 309 5х4ок(N,PE)-0,66 16,4 391 5х6ок(N,PE)-0,66 17,9 469 5х10ок(N,PE)-0,66 21,2 655 5х16ок(N,PE)-0,66 23,8 836 5х25ок(N,PE)-0,66 28,2 1172 5х35ок(N,PE)-0,66 30,8 1426 5х50ок(N,PE)-0,66 35,2 1844 2х2,5ок(N)-1 13,3 257 2х4ок(N)-1 15 327 2х6ок(N)-1 16 373 2х10ок(N)-1 17,8 466 2х16ок(N)-1 19,6 570 2х25ок(N)-1 22,7 766 2х35ок(N)-1 25 938 2х50ок(N)-1 28 1169 3х2,5ок(N,PE)-1 13,8 275 3х4ок(N,PE)-1 15,7 354 3х6ок(N,PE)-1 16,9 416 3х10ок(N,PE)-1 18,6 510 3х16ок(N,PE)-1 20,6 632 3х25ок(N,PE)-1 24,1 864 3х35ок(N,PE)-1 26,4 1050 3х50ок(N,PE)-1 29,5 1315 4х2,5ок(N)-1 14,7 308 4х4ок(N)-1 17 410 4х6ок(N)-1 18,2 475 4х10ок(N)-1 20,1 590 4х16ок(N)-1 22,3 736 4х25ок(N)-1 26,4 1031 4х35ок(N)-1 28,7 1241 4х50ок(N)-1 32,3 1562 5х2,5ок(N,PE)-1 15,7 350 5х4ок(N,PE)-1 18,2 469 5х6ок(N,PE)-1 19,6 541 5х10ок(N,PE)-1 21,7 682 AVVGE Number of conductors, nominal cross-section (mm2), construction, voltage (kV) Calculated diameter of the cable, mm Calculated weight of the cable, kg/km 5х16ок(N,PE)-1 24,4 866 5х25ок(N,PE)-1 28,7 1207 5х35ок(N,PE)-1 31,4 1463 5х50ок(N,PE)-1 35,7 1886 1х70мк-1 16,1 397 1х95мк-1 18,5 527 1х120мк-1 19,9 617 1х150мк-1 22,3 745 1х185мк-1 25,1 923 1х240мк-1 27,8 1146 2х70мс(N)-1 26,7 1068 2х95мс(N)-1 30,1 1352 2х120мс(N)-1 32,4 1582 2х150мс(N)-1 35,6 1902 2х185мс(N)-1 38,8 2262 2х240мс(N)-1 43,2 2813 3х70мс(N,PE)-1 31,1 1441 3х95мс(N,PE)-1 35,8 1900 3х120мс(N,PE)-1 38,3 2206 3х150мс(N,PE)-1 41,8 2622 3х185мс(N,PE)-1 46,3 3211 3х240мс(N,PE)-1 51,4 3975 4х70мс(N)-1 35,7 1886 4х95мс(N)-1 40,4 2425 4х120мс(N)-1 43,6 2850 4х150мс(N)-1 48 3437 4х185мс(N)-1 52,6 4131 4х240мс(N)-1 59,2 5233 5х70мс(N,PE)-1 39,4 2272 5х95мс(N,PE)-1 45,3 2998 AVVGE Number of conductors, nominal cross-section (mm2), construction, voltage (kV) Calculated diameter of the cable, mm Calculated weight of the cable, kg/km 5х120мс(N,PE)-1 48,8 3501 5х150мс(N,PE)-1 53,5 4220 5х185мс(N,PE)-1 59 5133 5х240мс(N,PE)-1 66,8 6543 2х70мс/35(N)-1 29,3 1341 2х95мс/50(N)-1 33,4 1730 2х120мс/70(N)-1 36,4 2142 2х150мс/70(N)-1 39,2 2410 2х185мс/95(N)-1 43,1 2954 2х240мс/120(N)-1 48,3 3726 3х70мс/35(N,PE)-1 34,1 1731 3х95мс/50(N,PE)-1 39,1 2255 3х120мс/70(N,PE)-1 41,9 2731 3х150мс/70(N,PE)-1 45,8 3137 3х185мс/95(N,PE)-1 50,6 3862 3х240мс/120(N,PE)-1 56,6 4868 4х70мс/35(N)-1 38,3 2136 4х95мс/50(N)-1 43,8 2757 4х120мс/70(N)-1 47,6 3397 4х150мс/70(N)-1 51,6 3879 4х185мс/95(N)-1 57,3 4795 4х240мс/120(N)-1 63,9 6037 5х70мс/35(N,PE)-1 42 2448 5х95мс/50(N,PE)-1 48,7 3226 5х120мс/70(N,PE)-1 52,4 3881 5х150мс/70(N,PE)-1 57,5 4517 5х185мс/95(N,PE)-1 63,3 5553 5х240мс/120(N,PE)-1 71,6 7116
The cables are designed for transmission and distribution of electricity in fixed electrical installations on a nominal alternating voltage 0,66, 1 and 3 kV, frequency - 50 Hz. Cables are designed for laying single cable lines in cable installations and premises.
The class of fire hazard of the cables is according to GOST 31565
Aluminum core, single-wire or multi-wire, circular or sector-shaped form, 1 or 2 class according to GOST 22483.
PVC- compound (colour coded conductor).
Insulated conductors 2, 3, 4 and 5 core cables twisted in slotted core.
Inner sheath
Is made by extrusion with the filling exterior gaps between insulated conductors or for the unarmored cables with copper conductors by the taping with the PVC tapes, or nonwoven fabrics filling exterior gaps between insulated conductors insulating cords (bundles)
For AVVGE is made in the form of taping with the copper tapes or by the agreement with a customer of copper wires and helically superimposed copper tape.
Oversheath or protective covering
- By category
- Force cables
- Voltage
- 660 / 1000 / 3000
- In execution
- For a single pad / Shielded
- Insulation
- Aluminum
- Shell
- PVC insulation
- Core material
- Flexible PVC
- Number and nom, cross-section of CCC and screens, nxmm2, external diameter, mm, weight of 1km of cable, kg
AVVGE Number of conductors, nominal cross-section (mm2), construction, voltage (kV) Calculated diameter of the cable, mm Calculated weight of the cable, kg/km 2х2,5ок(N)-0,66 12,5 229 2х4ок(N)-0,66 13,8 281 2х6ок(N)-0,66 14,8 325 2х10ок(N)-0,66 17,4 448 2х16ок(N)-0,66 19,2 550 2х25ок(N)-0,66 22,3 742 2х35ок(N)-0,66 24,6 912 2х50ок(N)-0,66 27,6 1141 3х2,5ок(N,PE)-0,66 12,9 245 3х4ок(N,PE)-0,66 14,4 303 3х6ок(N,PE)-0,66 15,4 352 3х10ок(N,PE)-0,66 18,2 492 3х16ок(N,PE)-0,66 20,1 610 3х25ок(N,PE)-0,66 23,7 839 3х35ок(N,PE)-0,66 26 1023 3х50ок(N,PE)-0,66 29,1 1285 4х2,5ок(N)-0,66 13,7 273 4х4ок(N)-0,66 15,3 341 4х6ок(N)-0,66 16,5 402 4х10ок(N)-0,66 19,6 566 4х16ок(N)-0,66 21,8 709 4х25ок(N)-0,66 25,9 1001 4х35ок(N)-0,66 28,3 1208 4х50ок(N)-0,66 31,8 1525 5х2,5ок(N,PE)-0,66 14,6 309 5х4ок(N,PE)-0,66 16,4 391 5х6ок(N,PE)-0,66 17,9 469 5х10ок(N,PE)-0,66 21,2 655 5х16ок(N,PE)-0,66 23,8 836 5х25ок(N,PE)-0,66 28,2 1172 5х35ок(N,PE)-0,66 30,8 1426 5х50ок(N,PE)-0,66 35,2 1844 2х2,5ок(N)-1 13,3 257 2х4ок(N)-1 15 327 2х6ок(N)-1 16 373 2х10ок(N)-1 17,8 466 2х16ок(N)-1 19,6 570 2х25ок(N)-1 22,7 766 2х35ок(N)-1 25 938 2х50ок(N)-1 28 1169 3х2,5ок(N,PE)-1 13,8 275 3х4ок(N,PE)-1 15,7 354 3х6ок(N,PE)-1 16,9 416 3х10ок(N,PE)-1 18,6 510 3х16ок(N,PE)-1 20,6 632 3х25ок(N,PE)-1 24,1 864 3х35ок(N,PE)-1 26,4 1050 3х50ок(N,PE)-1 29,5 1315 4х2,5ок(N)-1 14,7 308 4х4ок(N)-1 17 410 4х6ок(N)-1 18,2 475 4х10ок(N)-1 20,1 590 4х16ок(N)-1 22,3 736 4х25ок(N)-1 26,4 1031 4х35ок(N)-1 28,7 1241 4х50ок(N)-1 32,3 1562 5х2,5ок(N,PE)-1 15,7 350 5х4ок(N,PE)-1 18,2 469 5х6ок(N,PE)-1 19,6 541 5х10ок(N,PE)-1 21,7 682 AVVGE Number of conductors, nominal cross-section (mm2), construction, voltage (kV) Calculated diameter of the cable, mm Calculated weight of the cable, kg/km 5х16ок(N,PE)-1 24,4 866 5х25ок(N,PE)-1 28,7 1207 5х35ок(N,PE)-1 31,4 1463 5х50ок(N,PE)-1 35,7 1886 1х70мк-1 16,1 397 1х95мк-1 18,5 527 1х120мк-1 19,9 617 1х150мк-1 22,3 745 1х185мк-1 25,1 923 1х240мк-1 27,8 1146 2х70мс(N)-1 26,7 1068 2х95мс(N)-1 30,1 1352 2х120мс(N)-1 32,4 1582 2х150мс(N)-1 35,6 1902 2х185мс(N)-1 38,8 2262 2х240мс(N)-1 43,2 2813 3х70мс(N,PE)-1 31,1 1441 3х95мс(N,PE)-1 35,8 1900 3х120мс(N,PE)-1 38,3 2206 3х150мс(N,PE)-1 41,8 2622 3х185мс(N,PE)-1 46,3 3211 3х240мс(N,PE)-1 51,4 3975 4х70мс(N)-1 35,7 1886 4х95мс(N)-1 40,4 2425 4х120мс(N)-1 43,6 2850 4х150мс(N)-1 48 3437 4х185мс(N)-1 52,6 4131 4х240мс(N)-1 59,2 5233 5х70мс(N,PE)-1 39,4 2272 5х95мс(N,PE)-1 45,3 2998 AVVGE Number of conductors, nominal cross-section (mm2), construction, voltage (kV) Calculated diameter of the cable, mm Calculated weight of the cable, kg/km 5х120мс(N,PE)-1 48,8 3501 5х150мс(N,PE)-1 53,5 4220 5х185мс(N,PE)-1 59 5133 5х240мс(N,PE)-1 66,8 6543 2х70мс/35(N)-1 29,3 1341 2х95мс/50(N)-1 33,4 1730 2х120мс/70(N)-1 36,4 2142 2х150мс/70(N)-1 39,2 2410 2х185мс/95(N)-1 43,1 2954 2х240мс/120(N)-1 48,3 3726 3х70мс/35(N,PE)-1 34,1 1731 3х95мс/50(N,PE)-1 39,1 2255 3х120мс/70(N,PE)-1 41,9 2731 3х150мс/70(N,PE)-1 45,8 3137 3х185мс/95(N,PE)-1 50,6 3862 3х240мс/120(N,PE)-1 56,6 4868 4х70мс/35(N)-1 38,3 2136 4х95мс/50(N)-1 43,8 2757 4х120мс/70(N)-1 47,6 3397 4х150мс/70(N)-1 51,6 3879 4х185мс/95(N)-1 57,3 4795 4х240мс/120(N)-1 63,9 6037 5х70мс/35(N,PE)-1 42 2448 5х95мс/50(N,PE)-1 48,7 3226 5х120мс/70(N,PE)-1 52,4 3881 5х150мс/70(N,PE)-1 57,5 4517 5х185мс/95(N,PE)-1 63,3 5553 5х240мс/120(N,PE)-1 71,6 7116